Monday, April 27, 2009

Girl Talk as a modern oral kapow!

Girl Talk aka Greg Gillis is a modern day oral storyteller. Some of you may know what I'm talking about, others may not have any idea what Girl Talk is. Greg Gillis is a one man operation that performs under the name Girl Talk. His genre is called Mashup. He takes little bits of modern popular music and creates a continuous, layered, highly danceable song.

Check out a video here: Girl Talk

I had the pleasure of experiencing Girl Talk this winter when he came to Bozeman. It was sure a party to remember and its quality of resonance was very strong. His style of music conveys the oral tradition in that it is holistic, simultaneous and synthetic. As he crafts music together across different genres and decades, a beautiful / organic / synthetic monster ensues.

I strongly recommend checking out Girl Talk. Go first for his album Night Ripper, and then Feed The Animals.

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