Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Last night as I lay in bed at 1:30 my mind raced. I tried to focus. Count slowly... 1... 2... I know I could write about!! no. no. 14... 15... I really want to climb. 16... sheep sheep -- the count ... 17 or 18? or where was I? My mind was having none of it. I decided to just watch a movie till I fell asleep.

So I opened up my 'movies' folder and chose one that I have been meaning to watch for a very long time. It is called Synecdoche, New York. This film is amazing. Throughout the film I felt like crying many times but I was thinking too much, too fast for any tears.

This film should be required material for the course. It is the perfect example of mis-en-abyme. The main character is a director that puts on a production that lasts years, and covers life. Literally normal life, that is played within normal life. As the movie progresses, so do the boxes of narration. Story within story within story within story -- continuous ... forever.

During the whole film the lead character tries to figure out how to do the play right. At one point his true love tells him that "the end is built into the beginning." She dies that night after making love.

This film is beyond brilliant, and I will have to watch it at least a couple more times to appreciate its complexity. Watch it. You won't be dissappointed.

Synecdoche, New York @ IMDB: HERE

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